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datum meaning in English

datum [dati] (2nd) N

debit [debits]noun
[UK: ˈde.bɪt] [US: ˈde.ˌbɪt]

present / giftnoun

that which is givennoun

absidatus [absidata, absidatum] adjective

[UK: ɑːtʃt] [US: ˈɑːrtʃt]

having arch / archesadjective

[UK: ˈvɔːl.tɪd] [US: ˈvɒl.təd]

bifidatus [bifidata, bifidatum] adjective

cloven, cleft, forkedadjective

divided in two partsadjective

candidatus [candidata, candidatum] adjective

dressed in white / whitened clothesadjective

charmidatus [charmidata, charmidatum] adjective

become Charmides (comic character in Platuus' play Trinummus)adjective

chlamydatus [chlamydata, chlamydatum] adjective

dressed in a (military) cloak / capeadjective

coemendatus [coemendata, coemendatum] adjective

amended at same timeadjective

commodatum [commodati] (2nd) N

loan [loans]noun
[UK: ləʊn] [US: ˈloʊn]

thing lent, borrowed objectnoun

concordatum [concordati] (2nd) N

concordat, agreement (between church and civil authority)noun

things (pl.) agreednoun

connudatus [connudata, connudatum] adjective

completely / wholly naked / bareadjective

stark nakedadjective
[UK: stɑːk ˈneɪkɪd] [US: ˈstɑːrk ˈneɪkəd]

crepidatus [crepidata, crepidatum] adjective

wearing crepidae (thick soled Greek sandals)adjective

cycladatus [cycladata, cycladatum] adjective

dressing / dressed in a cyclas (light female outer garment with decorated border)adjective

incommendatus [incommendata, incommendatum] adjective

not entrustedadjective

without protectoradjective

inlaudatus [inlaudata, inlaudatum] adjective

not to be praised, badadjective

unpraised, obscureadjective

mandatum [mandati] (2nd) N

commandment [commandments]noun
[UK: kə.ˈmɑːnd.mənt] [US: kə.ˈmænd.mənt]

mandate [mandates]noun
[UK: ˈmæn.deɪt] [US: ˈmæn.ˌdet]

order, command, commissionnoun

mithridatium, mithridatum noun

mithridate [mithridates](supposed universal antidote against poison)
[UK: ˈmɪ.θrə.ˌdet] [US: ˈmɪ.θrə.ˌdet]

paludatus [paludata, paludatum] adjective

wearing a military cloakadjective

peraccommodatus [peraccommodata, peraccommodatum] adjective

very convenientadjective

sedatus [sedata, sedatum] adjective

calm, untroubledadjective

quiet [quieter, quietest]adjective
[UK: ˈkwaɪət] [US: ˈkwaɪət]

sordidatus [sordidata, sordidatum] adjective

meanly dressedadjective

shabby, in dirty clothesadjective