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commodum meaning in English

commodum [commodi] (2nd) N

convenience, advantage, benefitnoun

gift [gifts]noun
[UK: ɡɪft] [US: ˈɡɪft]

interest, profit, yieldnoun

wages, rewardnoun

commodum adverb

even now, at this momentadverb

just, a very short time beforeadverb

that / this very minuteadverb

accommodus [accommoda, accommodum] adjective

fitting, convenient, suitable to, adapted toadjective

adcommodus [adcommoda, adcommodum] adjective

fitting, convenient, suitable to, adapted toadjective

comincommodus [comincommoda, comincommodum] adjective

agreeable / disagreeableadjective

facetious combination of commodus and incommodusadjective

incommodum [incommodi] (2nd) N

ailment [ailments]noun
[UK: ˈeɪl.mənt] [US: ˈeɪl.mənt]

defeat / disasternoun

disadvantage, inconvenience, setback, harm, detrimentnoun

percommodus [percommoda, percommodum] adjective

very convenientadjective

perincommodus [perincommoda, perincommodum] adjective

very inconvenientadjective