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paese meaning in English

paese noun

fatherland [fatherlands](country of one's ancestry)
[UK: ˈfɑːð.ə.lænd] [US: ˈfɑːð.r̩.lænd]

homeland [homelands](country which one regards as home)
[UK: ˈhəʊm.lænd] [US: ˈhoʊm.lænd]

village [villages](a rural habitation of size between a hamlet and a town)
[UK: ˈvɪ.lɪdʒ] [US: ˈvɪ.lɪdʒ]
The world is a small village. = Tutto il mondo è paese.

Paese basco proper noun

Basque Country(geographical region in Spain and France)
proper noun
[UK: bæsk ˈkʌntr.i] [US: ˈbæsk ˈkʌntr.i]

Paese canaglia noun

rogue state(state or nation acting outside of the accepted international norms and policies)

paese che vai phrase

when in Rome, do as the Romans do(behave as those around do)
[UK: wen ɪn rəʊm duː əz ðə ˈrəʊ.mənz duː] [US: hwen ɪn roʊm ˈduː ˈæz ðə ˈroʊ.mənz ˈduː]

Paese del Sol Levante proper noun

Land of the Rising Sun(Japan)
proper noun
[UK: lænd əv ðə ˈraɪz.ɪŋ sʌn] [US: ˈlænd əv ðə ˈraɪz.ɪŋ ˈsən]

paese della cuccagna proper noun

Cockaigne(mythical land)
proper noun
[UK: kɒˈk.eɪn] [US: kɑːˈk.eɪn]

paese delle meraviglie noun

wonderland [wonderlands](Imaginary or real place full of wonder or marvels)
[UK: ˈwʌn.də.lænd] [US: ˈwʌn.dər.ˌlænd]

Paese Valenciano proper noun

Valencian Community(autonomous community in Spain)
proper noun

Paese Valenzano proper noun

Valencian Community(autonomous community in Spain)
proper noun

Bel Paese noun

Bel Paese(mild creamy Italian cheese)

bel paese proper noun

Italy(country in southern Europe)
proper noun
[UK: ˈɪ.tə.li] [US: ˈɪ.tə.li]

tutto il mondo è paese phrase

all the world's a stage(people have roles to play in life just as actors do in the theatre)
[UK: ɔːl ðə wɜːldz ə steɪdʒ] [US: ɔːl ðə ˈwɝːldz ə ˈsteɪdʒ]

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