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fonetico meaning in English

fonetico adjective

phonetic(relating to sounds of spoken language)
[UK: fə.ˈne.tɪk] [US: fə.ˈne.tɪk]
Esperanto is a completely phonetic language. = L'esperanto è una lingua completamente fonetica.

alfabeto fonetico noun

phonetic alphabetnoun

Alfabeto Fonetico Internazionale proper noun

International Phonetic Alphabet(standardized symbols for speech)
proper noun
[UK: ˌɪnt.ə.ˈnæʃ.n̩.əl fə.ˈne.tɪk ˈæl.fə.bet] [US: ˌɪnt.r̩.ˈnæʃ.n̩.əl fə.ˈne.tɪk ˈæl.fə.ˌbet]

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