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लाठी meaning in English


baton [batons]noun
[UK: ˈbæ.tɒn] [US: bə.ˈtɑːn]

cudgel [cudgels]noun
[UK: ˈkʌ.dʒəl] [US: ˈkʌ.dʒəl]

goad [goaded, goading, goads]verb
[UK: ɡəʊd] [US: ɡoʊd]

nightstick [nightsticks]noun
[UK: ˈnaɪt.ˌstɪk] [US: ˈnaɪt.ˌstɪk]

staff [staves]noun
[UK: stɑːf] [US: ˈstæf]

stave [stove, stove, staving, staves]verb
[UK: steɪv] [US: ˈsteɪv]

truncheon [truncheons]noun
[UK: ˈtrʌn.tʃən] [US: ˈtrʌn.tʃən]

लाठी और पत्थर मेरी हड्डियों को तोड़ सकते हैं, लेकिन शब्द मुझे कभी चोट नहीं देंगे phrase

sticks and stonesphrase

sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me(a response to taunting proclaiming the speaker's indifference)

लाठी से अंधाधुंध मारना

bludgeon [bludgeoned, bludgeoning, bludgeons]verb
[UK: ˈblʌ.dʒən] [US: ˈblʌ.dʒən]


caning, a police action to disburse the mob by beating with canenoun

जिसकी लाठी उसकी भैंस phrase

might makes right(morality cannot question the powerful)

मुक्के या लाठी से मारना

bop [bopped, bopping, bops]verb
[UK: bɒp] [US: ˈbɑːp]

हुक वाली लाठी

crook [crooks]noun
[UK: krʊk] [US: ˈkrʊk]