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चलना meaning in English

तेज़ी से आवाज करते हुए चलना

scream [screamed, screaming, screams]verb
[UK: skriːm] [US: ˈskriːm]

तेज़ी से चलना

beetle aboutverb

beetle alongverb

beetle awayverb

beetle offverb
[UK: ˈbiːt.l̩ ɒf] [US: ˈbiːt.l̩ ˈɒf]

[UK: ˌhɒt.ˈfʊt] [US: ˈhɑːt.fʊt]

थक कर चलना

trail [trailed, trailing, trails]verb
[UK: treɪl] [US: ˈtreɪl]

थके हुए चलना

trail [trailed, trailing, trails]verb
[UK: treɪl] [US: ˈtreɪl]

थपथप कर चलना

pad [padded, padding, pads]verb
[UK: pæd] [US: ˈpæd]

दबककर चलना

sidle [sidled, sidling, sidles]verb
[UK: ˈsaɪd.l̩] [US: ˈsaɪd.l̩]

दबे पाँव चलना

skulk [skulked, skulking, skulks]verb
[UK: skʌlk] [US: ˈskəlk]

slink [slunk, slunk, slinking, slinks]verb
[UK: slɪŋk] [US: slɪŋk]

tiptoe [tiptoed, tiptoeing, tiptoes]verb
[UK: ˈtɪp.təʊ] [US: ˈtɪpˌto.ʊ]

दल बाँधकर चलना

troop [trooped, trooping, troops]verb
[UK: truːp] [US: ˈtruːp]

दल बांध कर् चलना

troop [trooped, trooping, troops]verb
[UK: truːp] [US: ˈtruːp]

दिलचस्प रूप से चलना

zing [zinged, zinging, zings]verb
[UK: zɪŋ] [US: ˈzɪŋ]

दुबक कर चलना

sidle [sidled, sidling, sidles]verb
[UK: ˈsaɪd.l̩] [US: ˈsaɪd.l̩]

दुलकी चलना

trot [trotted, trotting, trots]verb
[UK: trɒt] [US: ˈtrɑːt]

दुलकी चाल से चलना

trot [trotted, trotting, trots]verb
[UK: trɒt] [US: ˈtrɑːt]

दोतरफा चलना

have it both waysverb

have things both waysverb

want it both waysverb

want things both waysverb

दोनो तरफ से बन्दूकों का चलना

[UK: ˈkrɒ.sfaɪə(r)] [US: ˈkrɒs.ˌfaɪr]

दौड़ने से पहले चलना सीखना

walk before can runverb

द्रुतगति में चलना

fly [flew, flown, flying, flies]verb
[UK: flaɪ] [US: ˈflaɪ]

द्रुतगति से चलना

flash [flashed, flashing, flashes]verb
[UK: flæʃ] [US: ˈflæʃ]

धप धप चलना

tramp [tramped, tramping, tramps]verb
[UK: træmp] [US: ˈtræmp]

धब धब करते हुए चलना

tramp [tramped, tramping, tramps]verb
[UK: træmp] [US: ˈtræmp]

धमधमाते हुए चलना

clump [clumped, clumping, clumps]verb
[UK: klʌmp] [US: ˈkləmp]

धमाके के साथ चलना

clump [clumped, clumping, clumps]verb
[UK: klʌmp] [US: ˈkləmp]

धीरे चलना

trudge [trudged, trudging, trudges]verb
[UK: trʌdʒ] [US: ˈtrədʒ]

धीरे धीरे चलना

creep [crept, crept, creeping, creeps]verb
[UK: kriːp] [US: ˈkriːp]

ease [eased, easing, eases]verb
[UK: iːz] [US: ˈiːz]

pace [paced, pacing, paces]verb
[UK: peɪs] [US: ˈpeɪs]

tick oververb
[UK: tɪk ˈəʊv.ə(r)] [US: ˈtɪk ˈoʊv.r̩]

wind upverb
[UK: wɪnd ʌp] [US: wɪnd ʌp]

नींद में चलना


[UK: nˈɒktəmbjˌuːlɪzəm] [US: nˈɑːktəmbjˌuːlɪzəm]

sleepwalk [sleepwalked, sleepwalking, sleepwalks]verb
[UK: ˈsliːp.wɔːk] [US: ˈsliːp.wɔːk]