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pop betyder på engelska

République démocratique et populaire d'Algérie nom {f}

People's Democratic Republic of Algeria◼◼◼(official name of Algeria)
proper noun
[UK: ˈpiːp.l̩z ˌde.mə.ˈkræ.tɪk rɪ.ˈpʌ.blɪk əv æl.ˈdʒɪə.riə] [US: ˈpiːp.l̩z ˌde.mə.ˈkræ.tɪk ri.ˈpʌ.blək əv æl.ˈdʒɪ.riə]

République démocratique populaire du Yémen nom propre

People's Democratic Republic of Yemen◼◼◼(South Yemen)
proper noun

république populaire nom {f}

people's republic◼◼◼(self-designation of states with Marxist-Leninist governments)
[UK: ˈpiːp.l̩z rɪ.ˈpʌ.blɪk] [US: ˈpiːp.l̩z ri.ˈpʌ.blək]

République populaire biélorusse nom propre

Belarusian People's Republic◼◼◼(the first state of Belarus)
proper noun

République populaire de Chine nom {f}

People's Republic of China◼◼◼(official name of China)
proper noun
[UK: ˈpiːp.l̩z rɪ.ˈpʌ.blɪk əv ˈtʃaɪ.nə] [US: ˈpiːp.l̩z ri.ˈpʌ.blək əv ˈtʃaɪ.nə]

République populaire de Donetsk nom {f}

Donetsk People's Republic◼◼◼(secessionist state)
proper noun
[UK: də.ˈnetsk ˈpiːp.l̩z rɪ.ˈpʌ.blɪk] [US: də.ˈnetsk ˈpiːp.l̩z ri.ˈpʌ.blək]

République populaire de Lougansk nom propre

Luhansk People's Republic◼◼◼(secessionist state in Luhanshchyna, the Ukraine)
proper noun

République populaire de Pologne nom propre

Polish People's Republic◼◼◼(former country)
proper noun

République populaire démocratique de Corée nom {f}

Democratic People's Republic of Korea◼◼◼(country in East Asia (official name))
proper noun
[UK: ˌde.mə.ˈkræ.tɪk ˈpiːp.l̩z rɪ.ˈpʌ.blɪk əv kə.ˈrɪə] [US: ˌde.mə.ˈkræ.tɪk ˈpiːp.l̩z ri.ˈpʌ.blək əv kɒ.ˈriːə]

République populaire du Bangladesh nom propre

People's Republic of Bangladesh◼◼◼proper noun

République populaire ukrainienne nom propre

Ukrainian People's Republic◼◼◼(the first state of Ukraine)
proper noun

sagesse populaire nom {f}

conventional wisdom◼◼◼(a belief that is widely accepted)

saperlipopette interjection

fiddlesticks(expression of mild dismay or annoyance)
[UK: ˈfɪdl.stɪks] [US: ˈfɪdl.stɪks]

scopophobie nom {f}


septième (before the noun); (in names of monarchs and popes) sept (after the name) (abbreviation VII) adjectif

seventh◼◼◼(ordinal form of the number seven, see also: 7th)
[UK: ˈsevnθ] [US: ˈse.vənθ]
You were seventh. = Tu as été septième.

serpopard nom {m}

serpopard◼◼◼(A mythical serpent-necked leopard)

sixième (before the noun); (in names of monarchs and popes) six (after the name) (abbreviation VI) adjectif

sixth◼◼◼(ordinal form of the number six, see also: 6th)
[UK: sɪksθ] [US: ˈsɪksθ]
What's your sixth sense? = Quel est ton sixième sens ?

soupe populaire nom {f}

soup kitchen◼◼◼(place set up to provide basic food as a charity or in time of disaster)

surpopulation nom {f}

overpopulation◼◼◼(excessive number of occupants in a particular area; specifically, when the number of occupants exceeds the ability of that area to provide for them)
[UK: ˌəʊv.ə.ˌpɒ.pjʊ.ˈleɪʃ.n̩] [US: ˌoʊv.ə.ˌpɒ.pjʊ.ˈleɪʃ.n̩]
Overpopulation is the problem. = La surpopulation est le problème.

treizième (before the noun); (in names of monarchs and popes) treize (after the name) (abbreviation XIII) adjectif

thirteenth◼◼◼(ordinal form of thirteen, see also: 13th)
[UK: ˌθɜː.ˈtiːnθ] [US: ˈθɝː.ˈtiːnθ]
What's the thirteenth month? = Quel est le treizième mois ?

tribunal populaire nom {m}

kangaroo court◼◼◼(an unjust (quasi-)judicial proceeding or group)

trois [in names of monarchs and popes; after the name; abbreviation III] adjectif
{m} {f}

third◼◼◼(the ordinal form of the cardinal number three, see also: 3rd)
[UK: ˈθɜːd] [US: ˈθɝːd]
It's October the third. = C'est le trois octobre.

tropopause nom {f}

tropopause [tropopauses]◼◼◼(zone of transition between troposphere and stratosphere)
[UK: ˈtrɑː.pə.ˌpɒz] [US: ˈtrɑː.pə.ˌpɒz]

vingtième [before the noun]; [in names of monarchs and popes] vingt [after the name] adjectif

twentieth◼◼◼(ordinal form of twenty, see also: 20th)
[UK: ˈtwen.tɪəθ] [US: ˈtwen.tiəθ]
In the course of the twentieth century all this changed. = Tout ceci a changé au cours du vingtième siècle.

vox populi nom {f}

vox populi◼◼◼(voice of the people)
[UK: vɒks] [US: ˈvɑːks]

