English-synonym dictionary »

van buren synonyms in Hungarian

van buren noun

Chief Executivenoun
generic term

Martin Van Burennoun

generic term

President of the United Statesnoun
generic term

President Van Burennoun

United States Presidentnoun
generic term

Van Burennoun

martin van buren noun

Chief Executivenoun
generic term

Martin Van Burennoun

generic term

President of the United Statesnoun
generic term

President Van Burennoun

United States Presidentnoun
generic term

Van Burennoun

president van buren noun

Chief Executivenoun
generic term

Martin Van Burennoun

generic term

President of the United Statesnoun
generic term

President Van Burennoun

United States Presidentnoun
generic term

Van Burennoun

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