English-Swedish dictionary »

hand in meaning in Swedish

hand in (to give to a responsible person)
[UK: hænd ɪn]
[US: ˈhænd ɪn]

lämna inverb

hand [handed, handing, hands] (to give, pass or transmit with the hand)
[UK: hænd]
[US: ˈhænd]

ge [gav, gett givit, given givet givna, pres. ger åld. giver, imper. ge åld. giv]verbJohn handed Mary a cup. = John gav Mary en kopp.

lämna öververb

räcka öververb

hand [handed, handing, hands] (to lead, guide, or assist with the hand)
[UK: hænd]
[US: ˈhænd]

hjälpa [hjälpte hjälpt]verbDo you need a hand? = Behöver du hjälp?

ledsaga [~de ~t]verb