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wealth meaning in Spanish

wealth (riches; valuable material possessions)
[UK: welθ]
[US: ˈwelθ]


Health is wealth. = La salud es riqueza.

wealthy [wealthier, wealthiest] (rich)
[UK: ˈwel.θi]
[US: ˈwel.θi]


adineradoadjectiveI used to be wealthy. = Yo solía ser adinerado.

prósperoadjectiveHe comes from a small but wealthy town. = Viene de un pueblo pequeño pero próspero.

ricoadjectiveAlgeria isn't wealthier than Spain. = Argelia no es más rica que España.

commonwealth [commonwealths] (form of government)
[UK: ˈkɒ.mən.welθ]
[US: ˈkɑː.məˌn.welθ]


estado libre asociadonoun


Commonwealth of Australia (formal and full name of Australia)
proper noun
[UK: ˈkɒ.mən.welθ əv ɒ.ˈstreɪ.liə]
[US: ˈkɑː.məˌn.welθ əv ɒ.ˈstreɪ.ljə]

Mancomunidad de Australiaproper noun

Commonwealth of Independent States (alliance of former Soviet republics)
proper noun
[UK: ˈkɒ.mən.welθ əv ˌɪn.dɪ.ˈpen.dənt steɪts]
[US: ˈkɑː.məˌn.welθ əv ˌɪn.də.ˈpen.dənt ˈsteɪts]

CEIproper noun

Comunidad de Estados Independientesproper noun

Commonwealth of Nations (association of independent states)
proper noun

Mancomunidad de Nacionesproper noun

Commonwealth of Puerto Rico proper noun

Estado Libre Asociado de Puerto Ricoproper noun

Commonwealth of Virginia proper noun

Mancomunidad de Virginiaproper noun

cultural wealth (the collection of arts that help to define the culture of a region)

riqueza culturalnoun

early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise (Benjamin Franklin quote)

a quien madrugaphrase

Dios lo ayudaphrase

Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office proper noun

Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores y de la Mancomunidad de Nacionesproper noun

Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth (confederation of Poland and Lithuania)
proper noun

Mancomunidad de Polonia-Lituaniaproper noun