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combined meaning in Spanish

combined (resulting from adding together)
[UK: kəm.ˈbaɪnd]
[US: kəm.ˈbaɪnd]

combinadoadjectiveAll of these resources combined together, could not purchase or equal the value of an eternal life. = Todos estos recursos combinados, no podrían comprar o igualar el valor de una vida eterna.

combine [combined, combining, combines] (bring two or more things or activities together)
[UK: kəm.ˈbaɪn]
[US: ˈkɑːm.baɪn]

combinarverbHydrogen and oxygen combine to form water. = El hidrógeno y el oxígeno se combinan para formar agua.

juntarverbThis stuffie is orange and a fox: two of my favorite things combined! = Este peluche es anaranjado y un zorro: ¡dos de mis cosas favoritas juntas!

unirverbWe should consider a combined effort. = Deberíamos considerar unir esfuerzos.