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of meaning in Slovak

date of birth (date and year when something was born)
[UK: deɪt əv bɜːθ]
[US: ˈdeɪt əv ˈbɝːθ]

dátum narodenianoun

degree of comparison (form of an adjective)


Democratic People's Republic of Korea (country in East Asia (official name))
proper noun
[UK: ˌde.mə.ˈkræ.tɪk ˈpiːp.l̩z rɪ.ˈpʌ.blɪk əv kə.ˈrɪə]
[US: ˌde.mə.ˈkræ.tɪk ˈpiːp.l̩z ri.ˈpʌ.blək əv kɒ.ˈriːə]

Kórejská ľudovodemokratická republikaproper noun

Democratic Republic of the Congo (large central African nation, formerly called Zaire)
proper noun

Konžská demokratická republikaproper noun

Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka proper noun

Srílanská demokratická socialistická republikaproper noun

division of labour (separation of work)
[UK: dɪ.ˈvɪʒ.n̩ əv ˈleɪb.ə(r)]
[US: dɪ.ˈvɪʒ.n̩ əv ˈleɪb.r̩]

deľba prácenoun

egg of Columbus (brilliant idea or discovery that seems simple after the fact)

Kolumbovo vejcenoun

Kolumbusovo vejcenoun

elixir of life (elixir that brings immortality)
[UK: ɪ.ˈlɪk.sə(r) əv laɪf]
[US: ə.ˈlɪk.sər əv ˈlaɪf]

elixír životanoun

end of the world (any change that seems catastrophic or devastating)
[UK: end əv ðə wɜːld]
[US: ˈend əv ðə ˈwɝːld]

koniec svetanoun

end of the world noun
[UK: end əv ðə wɜːld]
[US: ˈend əv ðə ˈwɝːld]

koniec svetanoun

enemy of the people (a political or class opponent of the subgroup in power within a larger group)

nepriateľ ľudunoun

nepriateľka ľudunoun

nepriateľkyňa ľudunoun

every man is the architect of his own fortune (each person is the chief cause of their success or failure)

každý je strojcom svojho šťastiaphrase

Federal Republic of Germany (Germany's official name)
proper noun
[UK: ˈfe.də.rəl rɪ.ˈpʌ.blɪk əv ˈdʒɜː.mə.ni]
[US: ˈfe.də.rəl ri.ˈpʌ.blək əv ˈdʒɝː.mə.ni]

Nemecká spolková republikaproper noun

Federative Republic of Brazil (official name of Brazil)
proper noun

Brazílska federatívna republikaproper noun

former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (provisional designation of the Republic of North Macedonia, see also: Republic of North Macedonia; North Macedonia)
proper noun
[UK: ˈfɔː.mə(r) ˈjuː.ɡəʊ.slɑːv rɪ.ˈpʌ.blɪk əv ˌmæ.sə.ˈdəʊ.niə]
[US: ˈfɔːr.mər ˈjuːɡo.ʊ.slɑːv ri.ˈpʌ.blək əv ˌmæ.səˈdo.ʊ.niə]

Bývalá juhoslovanská republika Macedónskoproper noun

free of charge (not requiring any payment - adjective)
[UK: friː əv tʃɑːdʒ]
[US: ˈfriː əv ˈtʃɑːrdʒ]


goofy (silly)
[UK: ˈɡuː.fi]
[US: ˈɡuː.fi]




Grand Duchy of Luxembourg (official name of Luxembourg)
proper noun

Luxemburské veľkovojvodstvoproper noun

Great Pyramid of Giza (the largest and most famous of the Egyptian pyramids)
proper noun
[UK: ˈɡreɪt ˈpɪ.rə.mɪd əv ˈɡɪ.zə]
[US: ˈɡreɪt ˈpɪ.rə.məd əv ˈɡɪ.zə]

Chufuova pyramídaproper noun

Great Pyramid of Giza noun

Veľká pyramída v Gízenoun

gross profit (the difference between net sales and the cost of goods sold)
[UK: ɡrəʊs ˈprɒ.fɪt]
[US: ɡroʊs ˈprɑː.fət]

hrubý zisknoun

Gulf of Aden (a gulf)
proper noun
[UK: ɡʌlf əv ˈeɪd.n̩]
[US: ˈɡəlf əv ˈeɪd.n̩]

Adenský zálivproper noun

Gulf of Alaska (arm of the Pacific Ocean)
proper noun
[UK: ɡʌlf əv ə.ˈlæ.skə]
[US: ˈɡəlf əv ə.ˈlæ.skə]

Aljašský zálivproper noun

Gulf of Bothnia (arm of the Baltic)
proper noun
[UK: ɡʌlf əv]
[US: ˈɡəlf əv]

Botnický zálivproper noun

Gulf of California (body of water)
proper noun
[UK: ɡʌlf əv ˌkæ.lɪ.ˈfɔː.nɪə]
[US: ˈɡəlf əv ˌkæ.lə.ˈfɔːr.njə]

Kalifornský zálivproper noun

Gulf of Finland (arm of the Baltic Sea)
proper noun
[UK: ɡʌlf əv ˈfɪn.lənd]
[US: ˈɡəlf əv ˈfɪn.ˌlænd]

Fínsky zálivproper noun

Gulf of Guinea (part of the Atlantic Ocean)
proper noun
[UK: ɡʌlf əv ˈɡɪ.ni]
[US: ˈɡəlf əv ˈɡɪ.ni]

Guinejský zálivproper noun

Gulf of Mexico (gulf between USA and Mexico)
proper noun
[UK: ɡʌlf əv ˈmek.sɪk.əʊ]
[US: ˈɡəlf əv ˈmek.səˌko.ʊ]

Mexický zálivproper noun

Gulf of Riga (inland body of water that is part of the Baltic Sea in eastern Europe and is near Latvia and Estonia)
proper noun
[UK: ɡʌlf əv ˈriː.ɡə]
[US: ˈɡəlf əv ˈriː.ɡə]

Rižský zálivproper noun

Gulf of Thailand (body of water)
proper noun
[UK: ɡʌlf əv ˈtaɪ.lænd]
[US: ˈɡəlf əv ˈtaɪ.ˌlænd]

Thajský zálivproper noun

Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan proper noun
[UK: ˈhæ.ʃə.ˌmaɪt ˈkɪŋ.dəm əv ˈdʒɔːd.n̩]
[US: ˈhæ.ʃə.ˌmaɪt ˈkɪŋ.dəm əv ˈdʒɔːr.dn̩]

Jordánske hášimovské kráľovstvoproper noun

head of household (household role)

hlava rodinynoun

head of state (the chief public representative of a nation)
[UK: hed əv steɪt]
[US: ˈhed əv ˈsteɪt]

hlava štátunoun
{m} {f}

hoof [hooves] (tip of a toe of ungulates)
[UK: huːf]
[US: ˈhuːf]


Horn of Africa (peninsula in East Africa)
proper noun
[UK: hɔːn əv ˈæ.frɪk.ə]
[US: ˈhɔːrn əv ˈæ.frɪk.ə]

Africký rohproper noun


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