English-Serbian-Croatian dictionary »

ancient meaning in Serbian-Croatian

ancient (having lasted from a remote period)
[UK: ˈeɪn.ʃənt]
[US: ˈeɪn.tʃənt]

star, drevan, starodrevan, antičkiadjective

стар, древан, стародреван, античкиadjective

ancient adjective
[UK: ˈeɪn.ʃənt]
[US: ˈeɪn.tʃənt]

drevan, antički, prastaradjective

Ancient Greece (ancient civilization of the Mediterranean)
proper noun
[UK: ˈeɪn.ʃənt ˈɡriːs]
[US: ˈeɪn.tʃənt ˈɡriːs]

Antička Grčkaproper noun
{f}, Stara Grčka {f}

Античка Грчкаproper noun
{f}, Стара Грчка {f}

Ancient Rome (civilization associated with Rome from the 9th century BC to the 5th century AD)
proper noun
[UK: ˈeɪn.ʃənt rəʊm]
[US: ˈeɪn.tʃənt roʊm]

Àntičkī Rȋmproper noun
{m}, Stȃri Rȋm {m}

Античкӣ Римproper noun
{m}, Стари Рим {m}