English-Romanian dictionary »

principality meaning in Romanian

principality [principalities] (region)
[UK: ˌprɪn.sɪ.ˈpæ.lɪ.ti]
[US: ˌprɪn.sə.ˈpæ.lə.ti]

principat [~, ~e, ~ul, ~ele, ~ului, ~elor]substantiv

Principality of Albania (monarchy in Albania from 1914 to 1925)
proper noun

Principatul Albanieiproper noun

Principality of Andorra (official name of Andorra)
proper noun

Principatul Andorreiproper noun

Principality of Liechtenstein (official name of Liechtenstein)
proper noun

Principatul Liechtensteinproper noun

Principality of Monaco (official name of Monaco)
proper noun

Principatul Monacoproper noun