English-Polish dictionary »

one's meaning in Polish

of one's word that keeps promises and tells the truth

dotrzymywać słowa

off one's rocker crazy

brakować piątej klepki w głowie

off one's trolley


off the top of one's head in an extemporaneous manner; without careful thought, preparation, or investigation

bez zastanowienia


z głowy

on everyone's lips

być na ustach wszystkich

on one's conscience

na sumieniu

on one's deathbed close to death (idiomatic)

na łożu śmierci

on one's feet healthy

na nogach

on one's feet in satisfactory condition

na nogach

on one's feet standing up

na nogach

on one's last legs about to die

na ostatnich nogach

on one's own alone; by oneself; without the companionship or assistance of others

na własną rękę


on one's own account

na własny rachunek

on one's way in the direct route

po drodze

on someone's mind preoccupying someone

na głowie

on the edge of one's seat in suspense

trzymać w napięciu

on the tip of one's tongue known but not quite remembered

na końcu języka

one is only as good as one's last shift

nie chwal dnia przed zachodem słońca

open one's legs verb

rozkładać nogiverb

rozłożyć nogiverb

open someone's eyes

otwierać oczy

out of one's ass

z dupy

out of one's league in a situation in which one is mismatched with one or more others


out of one's mind adjective



out of the corner of one's eye look sideways

kątem oka

pick one's nose verb
insert a finger into one's nostril

dłubać w nosieverb

plain as the nose on one's face adjective

jasne jak słońceadjective

play into someone's hands verb
to act to someone's advantage

działać na czyjąś korzyśćverb

pluck up one's courage verb
to muster the bravery to do something

zbierać się na odwagęverb

zebrać się na odwagęverb

pour one's heart out verb
to express one's innermost thoughts or feelings

otwierać sięverb

pull one's leg

nabić w butelkę

pull out of one's ass verb
fabricate a claim with no factual basis or evidence

wyciągać z dupyverb

wyciągnąć z dupyverb

pull someone's chestnuts out of the fire verb
do someone's difficult work

wyciągać kasztany z ogniaverb

pull someone's leg verb
to tease someone

nabrać kogośverb