English-Polish dictionary »

fir meaning in Polish

gunfire noun
shots from guns


hellfire noun
fire of hell

ogień piekielnynoun

hire firm


hundred-and-first adjective
ordinal number

sto pierwszaadjective

hundred-first adjective
ordinal number

sto pierwszaadjective

in the first instance

na początku

in the first place to begin with

w pierwszej kolejności

infirm adjective
weak; feeble


infirmary noun
clinic or dispensary within another institution


infirmary noun
place where sick or injured people are cared for, especially a small hospital


izba chorychnoun

infirmity noun


jump out of the frying pan and into the fire

wpaść z deszczu pod rynnę

kafir noun
infidel, non-Muslim


keep a firm grip on


kefir noun
fermented milk


Korean fir

jodła koreańska

ladies first

panie przodem

law firm noun
business formed by one or more lawyers to engage in the practice of law

kancelaria adwokackanoun

let him who is without sin cast the first stone only those who are faultless have the right to pass judgment on others

kto z was jest bez grzechu, niech pierwszy rzuci na nią kamień

liar liar pants on fire used to taunt a liar

baju, baju, będziesz w raju

like wildfire

lotem błyskawicy

love at first sight noun
an instantaneous attraction

miłość od pierwszego wejrzenianoun

no smoke without fire gossip and accusations are often substantiated by fact

nie ma dymu bez ognia

not one's first rodeo not the first time one has been in a situation

być dla kogoś nie pierwszy raz

być dla kogoś nie pierwszyzna

on fire being burned by fire


on fire rapidly achieving good results

na fali

out of the frying pan, into the fire get from an already bad situation to a worse one

wpadać z deszczu pod rynnę

wpaść z deszczu pod rynnę

play first fiddle

grać pierwsze skrzypce

play with fire verb
put oneself in a precarious situation

bawić się zapałkamiverb

igrać z ogniemverb

pull chestnuts out of the fire

wyciągać kasztany z ognia czyimiś rękami

pull someone's chestnuts out of the fire verb
do someone's difficult work

wyciągać kasztany z ogniaverb

Saint Elmo's fire

ognie świętego Elma

set fire verb
to light using fire



set on fire verb
cause to begin to burn

