English-Polish dictionary »

-st meaning in Polish

head of state noun
the chief public representative of a nation

głowa państwanoun

head start noun
an advantage in starting earlier to gain a favorable position


head stone


heart of stone noun
stonehearted character

serce z kamienianoun

heat stroke noun
severe hyperthermia

udar cieplnynoun

Heavenly Stems

niebiańskie pnie

heavy on the stomach


high street noun
the main street of any town

główna ulicanoun

Higher Vocational State School


hockey stick noun
instrument used in field hockey

kij hokejowynoun

hockey stick noun
instrument used in ice hockey


kij hokejowynoun

home stoup


home stretch noun
final part of a distance or effort

ostatnia prostanoun

home stretch noun
final stretch of a race

ostatnia prostanoun

how do I get to the bus station how do I get to the bus station?

jak dostanę się na dworzec autobusowy?

how do I get to the train station how do I get to the train station?

jak dostanę się na dworzec kolejowy?

Hungarian studies noun
a field of study concerned with Hungarian language, literature, ethnology, culture, history or society

filologia węgierskanoun


hunger strike noun
a fast undertaken as a means of protest


hunter's stew


husband stitch noun
an extra stitch made by a doctor after an episiotomy in order to make the opening of the vagina smaller, supposedly to increase the pleasure of a male partner during sex

szew mężowskinoun

husband's stitch

szew mężowski

I'm looking for a grocery store I'm looking for a grocery store

szukam sklepu spożywczego

I'm straight I'm straight

jestem heteroseksualna

jestem heteroseksualny

incense stick noun
A thin stick covered in incense


income statement noun
financial statement of net income

rachunek zysków i stratnoun

Indian style adverb

po tureckuadverb

Indo-European studies noun
academic study of the Indo-European languages in relation to Proto-Indo-European, and sometimes of related humanities


Indo-European study


industrial strength adjective
made for business use


Iranian study


is there a grocery store nearby is there a grocery store?

czy jest w pobliżu sklep spożywczy?

Islamic State noun
jihadist group

Państwo Islamskienoun

Islamic studies


island state noun
state consisting of one or more islands

państwo wyspiarskienoun

it is easy to find a stick to beat a dog the one who wants to blame someone can always find an error in him/her

jak się chce psa uderzyć, kij się znajdzie

Japanese studies noun
academic discipline


Jewish study



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