English-Norwegian dictionary »

-s meaning in Norwegian

-s (regular plurals of nouns)

(Bokmål) -er

(Nynorsk) -er

-scope (suffix to name viewing instruments)

(Bokmål) -skop{n}

(Nynorsk) -skop{n}

-ship (Property or state of being)

(Bokmål) -skap{m} {n}

-'s (possessive marker)

-s, til (after the thing owned and before the owner, his genitive)

-able (able to be done)
[UK: ˈeɪb.l̩]
[US: ˈeɪb.l̩]

(Bokmål) -abel, -bar

-able (due to be)
[UK: ˈeɪb.l̩]
[US: ˈeɪb.l̩]

(Bokmål) -bar

-able (fit to be done)
[UK: ˈeɪb.l̩]
[US: ˈeɪb.l̩]

(Bokmål) -abel

-ane (alkanes)


-archy (form of government or rule)

(Bokmål) -arki{m}

(Nynorsk) -arki{m}

-cene (suffix indicating a geologic period)

(Bokmål) -cen

(Nynorsk) -cen

-cracy (rule)

(Bokmål) -krati{n}

(Nynorsk) -krati{n}

-ene (alkene)

(Bokmål) -en

-ery (place of art, craft or practice)

(Bokmål) -ri

-ess (female suffix)

(Bokmål) -inne{m} {f}, -Ske {m} {f}, -eSSe {m} {f}

-est (superlative of adjectives and adverbs)

(Bokmål) -est, (before most long adjectives or adverbs) mest

(Nynorsk) -ast, (before most long adjectives or adverbs) mest

-etic (pertaining to)


-free (free from; without)


-gram (something written)

(Bokmål) -gram{n}

(Nynorsk) -gram{n}

-graph (something related to writing etc.)

(Bokmål) -graf{m}

(Nynorsk) -graf{m}

-grapher (someone who writes about a specified subject)

(Bokmål) -graf{m}

(Nynorsk) -graf{m}

-graphy (Suffix denoting a written or represented in the specified manner, or about a specified subject)

(Bokmål) -grafi{m}

(Nynorsk) -grafi{m}

-hedron (solid figure)

(Bokmål) -eder{n}

(Nynorsk) -eder{n}

-ic (Note: these translations are a guide only. For more precise translations, see individual words ending in -ic)


-ics (fields of knowledge or practice)

(Bokmål) -ikk{m}

-ide (any of a group of related compounds)


-ide (any of a group of several elements)


-in-law (related through marriage)

(Bokmål) sviger-

(Nynorsk) sviger-

-ing (act of doing something)

(Bokmål) -ing{mf}