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elated meaning in Latin

elated adjective
[UK: ɪ.ˈleɪ.tɪd]
[US: ə.ˈleɪ.təd]

sublatus [sublata, sublatum]adjective

elated by adjective

subnisus [subnisa, subnisum]adjective

subnixus [subnixa, subnixum]adjective

closely related / associated adjective

junctus [juncta -um, junctior -or -us, junctissimus -a -um]adjective

containing / related to the number ten adjective

denarius [denaria, denarium]adjective

correlate [correlated, correlating, correlates] verb
[UK: ˈkɒ.rə.leɪt]
[US: ˈkɔː.rə.ˌlet]

coordino [coordinare, coordinavi, coordinatus](1st) INTRANS

customs-related adjective

telonialis [telonialis, teloniale]adjective

diametral, of / related to diameter adjective

diametros [diametros, diametron]adjective

etymologically connected / related (words) adjective

conjugatus [conjugata, conjugatum]adjective

funeral-, of / related to a funeral or funeral rites adjective

exsequialis [exsequialis, exsequiale]adjective

funeral-, of / related to funeral, of / belonging to funeral rites adjective

exequialis [exequialis, exequiale]adjective

gum of this or related trees. gum arabic noun

acacia [acaciae](1st) F

late in coming / happening, belated adjective

serotinus [serotina, serotinum]adjective

linguistically related (languages) adjective

congenatus [congenata, congenatum]adjective

metaphysics related to being / essence noun

ontologia [ontologiae](1st) F

not yet related, new (L+S) adjective

immemoratus [immemorata, immemoratum]adjective

inmemoratus [inmemorata, inmemoratum]adjective

of / belonging / related to body, physical adjective

corporalis [corporalis, corporale]adjective

of / pertaining / related to a bath adjective

balineatorius [balineatoria, balineatorium]adjective

balneatorius [balneatoria, balneatorium]adjective

of / related to concubines adjective

concubinarius [concubinaria, concubinarium]adjective

of / related to leather / the tanning of hides adjective

coriarius [coriaria, coriarium]adjective

of / related to subject matter adjective

materialis [materialis, materiale]adjective

of / related to the changing of foreign currency adjective

nummularius [nummularia, nummularium]adjective

of / related to the tanning of hides adjective

corarius [coraria, corarium]adjective

or related bird noun

cornix [cornicis](3rd) F

related adjective
[UK: rɪ.ˈleɪ.tɪd]
[US: rə.ˈleɪ.təd]

comoinis [comoinis, comoine]adjective

comunis [comunis, comune]adjective

conmunis [conmunis, conmune]adjective

related (marriage), akin, connected adjective

adfinis [adfinis, adfine]adjective

affinis [affinis, affine]adjective

relate [related, relating, relates] verb
[UK: rɪ.ˈleɪt]
[US: rə.ˈleɪt]

numero [numerare, numeravi, numeratus](1st) TRANS

pronuntio [pronuntiare, pronuntiavi, pronuntiatus](1st)

propono [proponere, proposui, propositus](3rd)

trado [tradere, tradidi, traditus](3rd)

related, associated adjective

congermanatus [congermanata, congermanatum]adjective

related, cognate adjective

adgnatus [adgnata, adgnatum]adjective

agnatus [agnata, agnatum]adjective

related, having something in common adjective

communis [communis, commune]adjective

related, related by birth / position, kindred adjective

cognatus [cognata, cognatum]adjective