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xia meaning in Chinese

Xia (dynasty; surname; county)
proper noun
[UK: ɕia]
[US: ɕia]

夏 /Xià/proper noun

Xiahe (village)
proper noun

下和proper noun

Xiahuayuan (district)
proper noun

下花园 /Xiàhuāyuán/proper noun

下花園proper noun

Xialu (district in central China)
proper noun

下陆 /Xiàlù/proper noun

下陸proper noun

Xiamen (a sub-provincial city in southeastern China)
proper noun
[UK: zi.ˈeɪ.mən]
[US: zi.ˈeɪ.mən]

厦门 /Xiàmén/proper noun

廈門proper noun

Xian'an (district)
proper noun

咸安 //proper noun

Xianbei (ancient people)


鲜卑 /Xiānbēi/noun

xianbing (pancake)


馅饼 /xiànbǐng/noun

Xianfeng (county in central China)
proper noun

咸丰 /Xiánfēng/proper noun

咸豐proper noun

Xiang (one of the divisions of the Chinese language)
proper noun
[UK: ɕiaŋ]
[US: ɕiaŋ]

湖南話proper noun

湖南话 /Húnánhuà/proper noun

湘語proper noun

湘语 /Xiāngyǔ/proper noun

Xiang'an (district)
proper noun

翔安 /Xiáng'ān/proper noun

Xiangcheng (county-level city)
proper noun

項城proper noun

项城 /Xiàngchéng/proper noun

Xiangcheng (district; county)
proper noun

襄城 /Xiāngchéng/proper noun

Xiangfen (county)
proper noun

襄汾proper noun

Xiangfu (district)
proper noun

祥符proper noun

Xiangning (county)
proper noun

乡宁proper noun

鄉寧proper noun

xiangqi (variant of chess)

象棋 /xiàngqí/noun

xiangsheng (traditional style of Chinese comedy)

相声 /xiàngsheng/noun


Xiangshui (county in eastern China; town in eastern China)
proper noun

响水 /Xiǎngshuǐ/proper noun

Xiangtan (city in Hunan)
proper noun

湘潭 /Xiāngtán/proper noun

Xiangxiang (county-level city in Hunan)
proper noun

湘乡 /Xiāngxiāng/proper noun

湘鄉proper noun

Xiangyang (prefecture-level city in central China)
proper noun

襄阳 /Xiāngyáng/proper noun

襄陽proper noun

Xiangyuan (county)
proper noun

襄垣proper noun

Xiangzhou (district in central China)
proper noun

襄州 /Xiāngzhōu/proper noun

Xianning (prefecture-level city in central China)
proper noun

咸宁 /Xiánníng/proper noun

咸寧proper noun