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ryan meaning in Chinese

Ryan (male given name)
proper noun
[UK: ˈraɪən]
[US: ˈraɪən]

; 萊恩 /Lái'ēn/proper noun

小王proper noun

Aryan (in Nazism: a member of an alleged master race of non-Jewish Caucasians)
[UK: ˈeə.rɪən]
[US: ˈɑː.riən]

雅利安人 /Yǎlì'ān-rén/noun

biryani (dish of spiced rice)


印度香饭 /Yìndù xiàngfàn/noun

Bryan (male given name)
proper noun
[UK: ˈbraɪən]
[US: ˈbraɪən]

布萊恩proper noun

Bryansk (city in Russia)
proper noun

布良斯克 /Bùliángsīkè/proper noun

Haryana (state)
proper noun
[UK: heˈrj.ɑː.nə]
[US: heˈr.jɑː.nə]

哈里亚纳邦 /Hālǐyànà-bāng/proper noun

哈里亞納邦proper noun

Indo-Aryan (family of languages)
proper noun

印度-雅利安語proper noun

印度-雅利安语 /Yìndù-Yǎlì'ān-yǔ/proper noun

Naryan-Mar (city in Russia)
proper noun

納里揚馬爾proper noun

纳里扬马尔 /Nàlǐyángmǎ'ěr/proper noun