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newfoundland meaning in Chinese

Newfoundland (Island off the coast of Eastern Canada)
proper noun
[UK: ˈnjuː.fən.lənd]
[US: ˈnuː.fənd.lənd]

紐芬蘭proper noun

纽芬兰 /Niǔfēnlán/proper noun

Newfoundland and Labrador (Province in eastern Canada)
proper noun

紐芬蘭-拉布拉多proper noun

紐芬蘭-拉布拉多省proper noun

紐芬蘭與拉布拉多proper noun

紐芬蘭與拉布拉多省proper noun

纽芬兰-拉布拉多 /Niǔfēnlán-Lābùlāduō/proper noun

纽芬兰-拉布拉多省 /Niǔfēnlán-Lābùlāduō Shěng/proper noun

纽芬兰与拉布拉多 /Niǔfēnlán yǔ Lābùlāduō/proper noun

纽芬兰与拉布拉多省 /Niǔfēnlán yǔ Lābùlāduō Shěng/proper noun