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dynasty meaning in Chinese

dynasty [dynasties] (a series of rulers or dynasts from one family)
[UK: ˈdɪ.nə.sti]
[US: ˈdaɪ.nə.sti]

朝 /cháo/noun

王家 /wángjiā/noun

王朝 /wángcháo/noun

dynasty [dynasties] (era or polity under a certain dynasty, especially in East Asian history)
[UK: ˈdɪ.nə.sti]
[US: ˈdaɪ.nə.sti]

朝代 /cháodài/noun

Ming dynasty (Chinese dynasty)
proper noun

明朝 /Míngcháo/proper noun

Qing dynasty (last dynasty of China)
proper noun

清 /Qīng/proper noun

清朝 /Qīng cháo/proper noun

Song dynasty (Chinese dynasty)
proper noun

宋 /Sòng/proper noun

宋朝 /Sòngcháo/proper noun

Tang dynasty (Chinese dynasty)
proper noun

唐朝 /Táng Cháo/proper noun

Yuan dynasty (Chinese dynasty)
proper noun

元 /Yuán/proper noun

元朝 /Yuáncháo/proper noun

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