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apostle meaning in Chinese

apostle [apostles] (missionary or leader of a mission)
[UK: ə.ˈpɒs.l̩]
[US: ə.ˈpɑːs.l̩]

使徒 /shǐtú/noun

Apostles' Creed (statement of Christian belief)
proper noun

使徒信經proper noun

使徒信经 /Shǐtú Xìnjīng/proper noun

宗徒信經proper noun

宗徒信经 /Zōngtú Xìnjīng/proper noun

Acts of the Apostles (fifth book of the New Testament)
proper noun
[UK: ækts əv ðə ə.ˈpɒs.l̩z]
[US: ˈækts əv ðə ə.ˈpɑːs.l̩z]

使徒行传 /Shǐtú Xíngzhuàn/proper noun

使徒行傳proper noun

宗徒大事录 /Zōngtú Dàshìlù/proper noun

宗徒大事錄proper noun