English-Arabic dictionary »

itt meaning in Arabic

little black dress woman's short black dress

فُسْتَان أَسْوَد قَصِيرm

Little Dipper bright circumpolar asterism

بَنَاتُ نَعْشٍ اَلصُّغْرَى

little finger outermost and smallest finger of the hand


little girl a female child


little owl species of owl

بُومَة صَغِيرَةf

Little Red Riding Hood a folktale

لَيْلَى وَٱلذِّئْبf

Little Red Riding Hood the main character in this story

ذَات الرَّدَاء الأَحْمَرf

Little Rock the capital of the US state of Arkansas

ليتل روك

neurotransmitter substance responsible for sending nerve signals across a synapse between two neurons

نَاقِل عَصَبِيّ

Saint Kitts and Nevis id=Q763|a country in the Caribbean

سَانْت كِيتْس وَنِيفِيس

sexually transmitted disease disease contracted through sexual contact|venereal disease|STD

دَاء مَنْقُول جِنْسِيًّاm

transmitter one who or that which transmits something


Twitter online social networking service


twitter sound made by birds


zwitterion molecule that carries both a positive and a negative charge

أيون مزدوج