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hypes meaning in Arabic

Results: hype
I'd rather look for this: hypes
hyperbola geometric curve

قَطْعٌ زَائِدm


hyperbole rhetorical device


hypercapnia condition of having an abnormally high concentration of carbon dioxide in the blood

فرط ثنائي أكسيد الكربون في الدم

hyperglycemia unusually high concentration of sugar in the blood

فرط سكر الدم

hyperlink link from one electronic document to another|link

اِرْتِبَاط تَشَعُّبِيّm

hyperparasite parasite whose host is a parasite

تطفل فوقي

hypertext uncountable: text for the Web


hypervitaminosis medical condition

‫فَرْط الفيتامين‬m