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falkland islands meaning in Arabic

Marshall Islands id=Q709|Republic of the Marshall Islands

جُزُر مَارْشَالf-p

Cook Islands self-governing country in Oceania

جُزُر كُوكf-p

Pitcairn Islands British territory

جُزُر بِيتْكِيرْنf-p

Balearic Islands group of Mediterranean islands

جُزُر اَلْبَلِيَارf-p

Canary Islands an archipelago off the coast of north-western Africa

الجُزُرُ الخَالِدَاتf-p

جُزُر اَلْكَنَارِيf-p

جُزُر اَلْكَنَارِيَّةf-p

Virgin Islands archipelago

اَلْجُزُر اَلْعَذْرَاءf-p

جُزُر اَلْعَذْرَاءf-p

Kuril Islands archipelago between Japan and Kamchatka

جُزُر اَلْكُورِيلp

Solomon Islands id=Q685|a country in Melanesia

جُزُر سُلَيْمَانf-p

Aleutian Islands archipelago

جُزُر أَلُوشْيَانf-p

British Virgin Islands British overseas territory

اَلْجُزُر اَلْعَذْرَاء اَلْبِرِيطَانِيَّةf-p

جُزُر اَلْعَذْرَاء اَلْبِرِيطَانِيَّةf-p

Turks and Caicos Islands a British overseas territory in the Caribbean

جُزُر تَرْكْس وَكَايْكُوسf-p

United States Virgin Islands a US overseas territory in the Caribbean

جزر العذراء الأمريكية

جزر العذراء التابعة الولايات المتحدةf-p

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