English-Arabic dictionary »

chemical engineering meaning in Arabic

chemical relating to chemistry



engineering application of science to the needs of humanity


engineering work of an engineer


chemical weapon noxious substance in a delivery system

سِلَاح كِيمِيَائِيّm

chemical element any one of the simplest chemical substances that cannot be decomposed in a chemical reaction

عُنْصُر كِيمِيَائِيّm

chemical reaction process in which chemical substances are changed into others

تَفَاعُل كِيمِيَائِيّm

civil engineering technical design and construction of public works and/or equivalent private ones

الهندسة المدنية

hydraulic engineering sub-discipline of civil engineering concerned with water and sewage

هندسة هيدروليكية

control engineering subfield of engineering

هَنْدَسَة التَّكَكُّمَf

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