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west meaning in English

west bijvoeglijk naamwoord

west(towards the west)
[UK: west] [US: ˈwest]

West-Afrika eigennam

West Africa(An area of west Africa, spanning 16 African countries)
proper noun

West-Afrikaan substantief

West African(who comes from or lives in West Africa)
[UK: west ˈæ.frɪkən] [US: ˈwest ˈæ.frɪkən]

West-Afrikaans bijvoeglijk naamwoord

West African(relating to West Africa)
[UK: west ˈæ.frɪkən] [US: ˈwest ˈæ.frɪkən]

West-Afrikaanse substantief

West African(who comes from or lives in West Africa)
[UK: west ˈæ.frɪkən] [US: ˈwest ˈæ.frɪkən]

West-Australië eigennam

Western Australia(state of Australia)
proper noun
[UK: ˈwe.stən ɒ.ˈstreɪ.liə] [US: ˈwe.stərn ɒ.ˈstreɪ.ljə]

West-Azië eigennam

West Asia(the westernmost subregion of Asia)
proper noun

West-Bengalen eigennam

West Bengal(state)
proper noun
[UK: west ˌben.ˈɡɔːl] [US: ˈwest ˈbeŋ.ɡəl]

West-Berlijn eigennam

West Berlin(western Berlin between 1949 and 1990)
proper noun
[UK: west bɜː.ˈlɪn] [US: ˈwest bər.ˈlɪn]

West-Duits bijvoeglijk naamwoord

West German(from or pertaining to West Germany)

West-Duitse substantief

West German(person who comes from or lives in West Germany)

West-Duitser [West-Duitsers] substantief

West German(person who comes from or lives in West Germany)

West-Duitsland eigennam

West Germany(former European country)
proper noun
[UK: west ˈdʒɜː.mə.ni] [US: ˈwest ˈdʒɝː.mə.ni]

West-Europa eigennam

Western Europeproper noun
[UK: ˈwe.stən ˈjʊə.rəp] [US: ˈwe.stərn ˈjʊ.rəp]

West-Europeaan substantief

Western European(Western European person)

West-Europees bijvoeglijk naamwoord

Western Europeanadjective

West-Europese substantief

Western European(Western European person)

West-Fries eigennam

West Frisian(language spoken in Friesland)
proper noun

West-Germaans bijvoeglijk naamwoord

West Germanicadjective

West-Indisch bijvoeglijk naamwoord

West Indian(of or from the West Indies)
[UK: west ˈɪn.dɪən] [US: ˈwest ˈɪn.diən]

West-Indië eigennam

West Indies(islands of the Caribbean sea)
proper noun

West-Indiër substantief

West Indian(of or from the West Indies)
[UK: west ˈɪn.dɪən] [US: ˈwest ˈɪn.diən]

West-Pruisen eigennam

West Prussia(historical province of Germany)
proper noun

West-Samoa eigennam

Western Samoa(the former name of Samoa)
proper noun

West-Slavisch eigennam

West Slavic(of or relating to the West Slavs)
proper noun

West-Vlaams bijvoeglijk naamwoord

West Flemish(from or relating to West Flanders)

West-Vlaams eigennam

West Flemish(group of Flemish dialects)
proper noun

West-Vlaanderen eigennam

West Flanders(Belgian province in Flanders)
proper noun

westelijk bijvoeglijk naamwoord

west(towards the west)
[UK: west] [US: ˈwest]

western(pertaining to the west)
[UK: ˈwe.stən] [US: ˈwe.stərn]

westelijke bijvoeglijk naamwoord

west(towards the west)
[UK: west] [US: ˈwest]

westelijke blonde tapuit substantief

western black-eared wheatear(Oenanthe hispanica)

Westelijke Jordaanoever eigennam

West Bank(territory)
proper noun
[UK: west bæŋk] [US: ˈwest ˈbæŋk]

Westelijke muur eigennam

Western Wall(ancient wall in Jerusalem, remnant of the Jewish Second Temple)
proper noun

Westelijke Sahara eigennam

Western Sahara(a territory in northern Africa)
proper noun
[UK: ˈwe.stən sə.ˈhe.rə] [US: ˈwe.stərn sə.ˈhe.rə]

westelijkst bijvoeglijk naamwoord

westernmost(farthest west)
[UK: ˈwe.stən.məʊst] [US: ˈwe.stənmoʊst]

westen substantief

west [Wests](compass point)
[UK: west] [US: ˈwest]

Westen eigennam

West(Western world)
proper noun
[UK: west] [US: ˈwest]

Westerlauwers Fries eigennam

West Frisian(language spoken in Friesland)
proper noun

westerling substantief

westerner [westerners](inhabitant of Europe and the Americas)
[UK: ˈwe.stə.nə(r)] [US: ˈwe.stər.nər]


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