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schiereiland meaning in English

schiereiland substantief

peninsula [peninsulas](piece of land projecting into water)
[UK: pə.ˈnɪn.sjʊ.lə] [US: pə.ˈnɪn.sə.lə]

point [points](peninsula)
[UK: pɔɪnt] [US: ˈpɔɪnt]

Antarctisch Schiereiland eigennam

Antarctic Peninsula(the northernmost part of the mainland of Antarctica)
proper noun

Arabisch Schiereiland eigennam

Arabian Peninsula(peninsula in the Middle East)
proper noun
[UK: ə.ˈreɪb.iən pə.ˈnɪn.sjʊ.lə] [US: ə.ˈreɪb.iən pə.ˈnɪn.sə.lə]

Bicolschiereiland eigennam

Bicol Peninsulaproper noun

Iberisch Schiereiland eigennam

Iberia(region south of the Pyrenees)
proper noun
[UK: aɪ.ˈbɪ.riə] [US: aɪ.ˈbɪ.riə]

Iberisch Schiereiland eigennam

Iberian Peninsula(peninsula)
proper noun
[UK: aɪ.ˈbɪə.riən pə.ˈnɪn.sjʊ.lə] [US: aɪ.ˈbɪ.riən pə.ˈnɪn.sə.lə]

Koreaans Schiereiland eigennam

Korean Peninsula(peninsula)
proper noun