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latijn meaning in English

Latijn eigennam

Latin(language of the ancient Romans)
proper noun
[UK: ˈlæ.tɪn] [US: ˈlæ.tən]

Latijn substantief

Roman [Romans](the Roman script)
[UK: ˈrəʊ.mən] [US: ˈroʊ.mən]

Latijns bijvoeglijk naamwoord

Latin(of the language)
[UK: ˈlæ.tɪn] [US: ˈlæ.tən]

Latijns-Amerika eigennam

Latin America(parts of the Americas which speak Spanish or Portuguese)
proper noun
[UK: ˈlæ.tɪn ə.ˈmer.ɪk.ə] [US: ˈlæ.tən ə.ˈmer.ɪk.ə]

Latijns-Amerikaans bijvoeglijk naamwoord

Latin(of/from Latin America)
[UK: ˈlæ.tɪn] [US: ˈlæ.tən]

Latin American(Of or relating to Latin America)
[UK: ˈlæ.tɪn ə.ˈmer.ɪk.ən] [US: ˈlæ.tən ə.ˈmer.ɪk.ən]

Latijnse alfabet substantief

Latin alphabet(the 26-letter alphabet)
[UK: ˈlæ.tɪn ˈæl.fə.bet] [US: ˈlæ.tən ˈæl.fə.ˌbet]

Latijnse Kerk eigennam

Latin Church(one of the particular churches)
proper noun
[UK: ˈlæ.tɪn tʃɜːtʃ] [US: ˈlæ.tən ˈtʃɝːtʃ]

christelijk Latijn eigennam

Ecclesiastical Latin(Latin language)
proper noun

klassiek Latijn eigennam

Classical Latin(Latin language as spoken and written formally)
proper noun

Laatlatijn eigennam

Late Latin(form of the Latin language)
proper noun
[UK: leɪt ˈlæ.tɪn] [US: ˈleɪt ˈlæ.tən]

middeleeuws Latijn eigennam

Medieval Latin(the Latin language as spoken and written during the Middle Ages, before it was developed by the Italian humanists into Renaissance Latin)
proper noun
[UK: ˌme.dɪ.ˈiːv.l̩ ˈlæ.tɪn] [US: mə.ˈdiːv.l̩ ˈlæ.tən]

Neolatijn eigennam

New Latin(Latin after the Middle Ages)
proper noun

Oudlatijn eigennam

Old Latinproper noun
[UK: əʊld ˈlæ.tɪn] [US: oʊld ˈlæ.tən]

Palatijn eigennam

Palatine Hill(hill of Rome)
proper noun

potjeslatijn eigennam

dog Latin(bad, erroneous Latin)
proper noun
[UK: ˈdɒɡ.ˈlæ.tɪn] [US: ˈdɒɡ.ˈlæ.tɪn]

verlatijnsing substantief

Latinization(act or process of Latinizing)

visserslatijn substantief

gibberish(needlessly obscure or overly technical language)
[UK: ˈdʒɪ.bə.rɪʃ] [US: ˈɡɪ.bə.rɪʃ]

jargon [jargons](technical terminology unique to a particular subject)
[UK: ˈdʒɑː.ɡən] [US: ˈdʒɑːr.ɡən]

Vroeglatijn eigennam

Old Latinproper noun
[UK: əʊld ˈlæ.tɪn] [US: oʊld ˈlæ.tən]

vulgair Latijn eigennam

Vulgar Latin(the Latin language as spoken by people)
proper noun
[UK: ˈvʌl.ɡə(r) ˈlæ.tɪn] [US: ˈvʌl.ɡər ˈlæ.tən]