Franceză | Engleză |
nue adjectif {f} | naked◼◼◼adjective bare [barer, barest]◼◼◻(naked, uncovered) |
nu(e) comme un ver adjectif | naked as the day one was born(completely naked) |
[coloquial] les briser menues verbe | give someone the shits(vulgar: to annoy someone intensely) |
allées et venues nom {f pl} | back and forth◼◼◼(movement (of someone or something) forward followed by a return to the same position) |
annuel adjectif | annual◼◼◼(happening once a year) |
annuel adjectif {m} | yearly◼◼◻(happening once every year) |
annuellement adverbe | annually◼◼◼(once every year) yearly◼◼◻(once a year) |
assemblée générale annuelle nom {f} | annual general meeting◼◼◼(meeting held each year) |
atténuer verbe | mitigate [mitigated, mitigating, mitigates]◼◼◼(to reduce, lessen, or decrease) lessen [lessened, lessening, lessens]◼◼◻(to make less) palliate [palliated, palliating, palliates]◼◻◻(to relieve the symptoms of) |
avenue nom {f} | avenue [avenues]◼◼◼(broad street) |
Aïnue nom {f} | Ainu(member of an ethnic group) |
basse continue nom {f} | basso continuo◼◼◼(continuous realization of harmony) |
bienvenue nom {f} | welcome [welcomes]◼◼◼(act of greeting someone's arrival) |
bienvenue nom | welcome [welcomes]◼◼◼(utterance of such a greeting) |
bienvenue interjection | welcome◼◼◼(greeting given upon someone's arrival) |
bienvenue [Quebec] phrase | you're welcome◼◼◼(reply to thanks) |
bienvenue au club phrase | join the club◼◼◼(expression of sympathy) |
bisannuel adjectif | biennial◼◼◼(happening every two years) |
bisannuelle nom {f} | biennial◼◼◼(plant) |
boite de vitesses manuelle nom | manual transmission◼◼◼(type of transmission) |
boite de vitesses à variation continue nom | continuously variable transmission(form of transmission) |
codétenue nom {f} | inmate [inmates]◼◼◼(one confined to institution, such as a prison) |
comptes annuels nom {m pl} | annual accounts◼◼◼((accounting)) |
continuel adjectif | continuous◼◼◼(without break, cessation, or interruption in time) ongoing◼◼◼(continuing, permanent) abiding◼◻◻(continue) |
continuellement adverbe | continuously◼◼◼(without pause) permanently◼◼◻(in a permanent manner) over and over◼◻◻(repeatedly) |
continuer verbe | continue [continued, continuing, continues]◼◼◼(intransitive: resume) continue [continued, continuing, continues]◼◼◼(transitive: proceed) go on◼◼◻(continue) pass [passed, passing, passes]◼◼◻(to continue) resume [resumed, resuming, resumes]◼◼◻((transitive) start something again that has been stopped or paused) carry on◼◼◻verb carry on◼◼◻(to continue, maintain or pursue an activity or enterprise (transitive), see also: continue; maintain; pursue) |