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-ine înseamnă în Italiană

-ine (used to form names of chemical substances)


-ness (appended to adjectives to form nouns meaning "the state of being...", "the quality of being...", or "the measure of being...")
[UK: nes]
[US: ˈnes]



moment of inertia (measure of resistance to change in angular velocity)
[UK: ˈməʊ.mənt əv ɪ.ˈnɜː.ʃə]
[US: ˈmoʊ.mənt əv ˌɪ.ˈnɝː.ʃə]

momento di inerzianoun

triangle inequality (the triangle inequality)
proper noun

disuguaglianza triangolareproper noun

Istoricul cautarilor