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intend [intended, intending, intends] (to be intent upon) verb [UK: ɪn.ˈtend] [US: ˌɪn.ˈtend] | prévoir◼◼◼verbeI don't intend to be staying long. = Je ne prévois pas de rester longtemps. envisager◼◼◼verbe concevoir◼◼◼verbe |
intend [intended, intending, intends] (to fix the mind upon a goal) verb [UK: ɪn.ˈtend] [US: ˌɪn.ˈtend] | avoir l'intention◼◼◼verbe |
intended (planned) adjective [UK: ɪn.ˈten.dɪd] [US: ˌɪn.ˈten.dəd] | voulu◼◼◼adjectifI think that it's intended. = Je pense que c'est voulu. planifié◼◻◻adjectif |
Nintendo (Japanese videogame developer) proper noun [UK: ˌnɪn.ˈten.dəʊ] [US: ˌnɪn.ˈtendo.ʊ] | Nintendo◼◼◼nom propre |
Nintendo (Nintendo Entertainment System, or other video game system made by Nintendo) noun [UK: ˌnɪn.ˈten.dəʊ] [US: ˌnɪn.ˈtendo.ʊ] | Nintendo◼◼◼nom {f} |
superintend [superintended, superintending, superintends] (to oversee the work of others) verb [UK: ˌsuː.pə.rɪn.ˈtend] [US: ˌsuː.pə.rɪn.ˈtend] | surveiller◼◼◼verbe diriger◼◼◼verbe |
superintendent [superintendents] (a person who is authorized to supervise, direct or administer something) noun [UK: ˌsuː.pə.rɪn.ˈten.dənt] [US: ˌsuː.pə.rən.ˈten.dənt] | surintendant◼◼◼nom {m}John was appointed superintendent. = John a été nommé surintendant. |
superintendent [superintendents] (police officer ranking above inspector) noun [UK: ˌsuː.pə.rɪn.ˈten.dənt] [US: ˌsuː.pə.rən.ˈten.dənt] | superintendant◼◼◻nom |
unintended (not intended; unplanned) adjective [UK: ˌʌ.nɪn.ˈten.dɪd] [US: ˌʌ.ˌnɪn.ˈten.dəd] | involontaire◼◼◼adjectifThis could have unintended consequences. = Ça pourrait avoir des conséquences involontaires. |