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nu og da meaning in English

nu og da

now and then◼◼◼[UK: naʊ ənd ðen] [US: ˈnaʊ ænd ˈðen]

occasionally◼◼◻[UK: əˈk.eɪ.ʒə.nə.li] [US: əˈk.eɪ.ʒə.nə.li]

sometimes◼◼◻[UK: ˈsʌm.taɪmz] [US: səm.ˈtaɪmz]

from time to time◼◼◻[UK: frəm ˈtaɪm tuː ˈtaɪm] [US: frəm ˈtaɪm ˈtuː ˈtaɪm]

ever and anon◼◻◻[UK: ˈev.ə(r) ənd ə.ˈnɒn] [US: ˈev.r̩ ænd ə.ˈnɒn]

every so often◼◻◻

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