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聖地 meaning in English

聖地 noun

shrine [shrines](a holy place dedicated to a specific figure of respect)
[UK: ʃraɪn] [US: ˈʃraɪn]

聖地 proper noun

Holy Land(that part of Asia in which most Biblical events are set)
proper noun
[UK: ˈhəʊ.li lænd] [US: ˈhoʊ.li ˈlænd]

聖地亞哥 proper noun

San Diego(city in southwest California)
proper noun

Santiago(city in Chile)
proper noun
[UK: ˌsæn.tɪ.ˈɑː.ɡəʊ] [US: ˌsæn.ti.ˈɑːɡo.ʊ]

聖地牙哥 proper noun

San Diego(city in southwest California)
proper noun

Santiago(city in Chile)
proper noun
[UK: ˌsæn.tɪ.ˈɑː.ɡəʊ] [US: ˌsæn.ti.ˈɑːɡo.ʊ]