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проток meaning in English

проток noun

channel [channels](narrow body of water between two land masses)
[UK: ˈtʃæn.l̩] [US: ˈtʃæn.l̩]

strait [straits](narrow channel of water)
[UK: streɪt] [US: ˈstreɪt]

Проток Свети Георги proper noun

St George's Channel(channel connecting the Irish Sea to the north and the Atlantic Ocean)
proper noun

протокол noun

etiquette(forms to be observed in social or official life)
[UK: ˈe.tɪket] [US: ˈe.təkət]

minute [minutes](record of meeting)
[UK: maɪ.ˈnjuːt] [US: ˈmɪ.nət]

minutes [minutes](the official notes kept during a meeting)
[UK: ˈmɪ.nɪts] [US: ˈmɪ.nəts]

protocol [protocols](rule, guideline etc which guides diplomatic behaviour)
[UK: ˈprəʊ.təkɒl] [US: ˈproʊ.təkɒl]

протоколирам verb

minute [minuted, minuting, minutes](to write the minutes of)
[UK: maɪ.ˈnjuːt] [US: ˈmɪ.nət]

протоколирам verb
{imPlf} {Plf}

protocol [protocolled, protocolling, protocols](to make a protocol of)
[UK: ˈprəʊ.təkɒl] [US: ˈproʊ.təkɒl]

протоколчик noun

recorder [recorders](someone who records)
[UK: rɪˈk.ɔː.də(r)] [US: rɪˈk.ɔːr.dər]

Бабелмандебски проток proper noun

Bab el Mandeb(strait)
proper noun

Берингов проток proper noun

Bering Strait(strait between Russia and Alaska)
proper noun
[UK: ˈber.ɪŋ streɪt] [US: ˈber.ɪŋ ˈstreɪt]

Гибралтарски проток proper noun

Strait of Gibraltarproper noun
[UK: streɪt əv dʒɪ.ˈbrɔːl.tə(r)] [US: ˈstreɪt əv dʒə.ˈbrɒl.tər]

Доувърски проток proper noun

Strait of Dover(strait in the English Channel)
proper noun

Керченски проток proper noun

Strait of Kerch(strait)
proper noun

Корейски проток proper noun

Korea Strait(a strait between Korea and Japan)
proper noun

Лаперузов проток proper noun

La Pérouse Strait(strait)
proper noun

Магеланов проток proper noun

Strait of Magellanproper noun
[UK: streɪt əv mə.ˈdʒe.lən] [US: ˈstreɪt əv mə.ˈdʒe.lən]

Малакския проток proper noun

Strait of Malacca(strait between the Malay Peninsula and Sumatra)
proper noun

Тайвански проток proper noun

Taiwan Strait(the channel of water between mainland China and Taiwan)
proper noun
[UK: taɪ.ˈwɑːn streɪt] [US: ˈtaɪ.ˈwɑːn ˈstreɪt]

Торесов проток proper noun

Torres Strait(a strait between Australia and New Guinea)
proper noun