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يَاه meaning in English


heyexclamation to get attention

يَاهُو m

Yahoo!a popular web portal

يَاهُو! m

Yahoo!a popular web portal

دَوْرَةُ المِيَاه f

toiletroom used for urination and defecation|bathroom|men's room|ladies' room|outhouse|portable toilet|latrine|shitter

طَبَقَة ٱلْمِيَاهِ ٱلْجَوْفِيَّةِ f

aquiferan underground layer of water-bearing porous stone, earth, or gravel

عِلْم المِيَاهِيَّات

hydrologyscience related to water

مِيَاه اَلْأَمْطَار m-p

rainwaterwater sourced from rain

مِيَاه حارَّة

hot springnatural spring producing water whose temperature is greater than about 20°C (68° F)

مِيَاه مُعَبَّأَة f

bottled waterdrinking water sold in a bottle

