Arabic-English dictionary »

يد meaning in English

بَرِيد جَوِّيّ m

airmailthe system of conveying mail using aircraft

بَرِيد صَوْتِيّ m


بَرِيد مُسَجِّل m

registered mailtype of mail


postalrelating to mail


distantfar off


remoteat a distance


awayfrom a place; hence

بَعِيدًا عَنّ

aloofat or from a distance

بَنَّاء بِالْقِرْمِيد m


بَيْضَة عِيد اَلْفِصْح f

Easter egga dyed or decorated egg

بُورْ سَعِيد f

Port Saidcity in Egypt

بُورْسَعِيد f

Port Saidcity in Egypt

بُوسِيدُون m

Poseidonthe god of the sea


certainlyemphatic affirmative answer

certainlywith certainty

certainlywithout doubt, surely

definitelywithout question and beyond doubt

surelycertainly, undoubtedly

بِرِيطَانِيَّا الْجَدِيدَة f

New Britainisland

بِطَاقَة عِيد اَلْمِيلَاد f

Christmas cardgreeting card that celebrates Christmas

بْرِيدْج m

bridgecard game

بْرِيدْج تَاوْن f

Bridgetowncapital of Barbados

تجديد موارد

replenishmentact of replenishing

تصيد براءات الاختراع

patent trollcompany, person, etc., that owns and enforces patents in an aggressive and opportunistic manner


restrictionact or state

تَأْكِيد m

accenthigher-pitched or stronger articulation

affirmationthat which is affirmed


تَأْييد m

advocacythe act of arguing in favour of, or supporting something

تَأْيِيد m

supportfinancial or other help

تَبْعِيد m

exilethe state of being banished from one's home or country

تَجْدِيد m

renovationact or process of renovating


abstractapart from practice or reality; not concrete

تَجْسِيد m

personificationperson, thing or name typifying a certain quality or idea

تَجْنِيد m


mobilizationmarshalling of troops and national resources in preparation for war

تَجْنِيد إِجْبَارِيّ m

conscriptioninvoluntary labor, especially military service

تَجْوِيد m

intonationthe rise and fall of the voice in speaking

تَحْتَ التَّهْدِيد بِالسِّلاح

at gunpointunder coercion by someone with a firearm