Arabic-English dictionary »

وَحْدَة meaning in English

وَحْدَة f

lonelinesscondition of being lonely

moduleself-contained component of a system

unitstandard measure of a quantity

unitystate of being one or undivided

وَحْدَة أُنْبُوبِيَّة كُلْوِيَّة f

nephronbasic structural and functional unit of the kidney

وَحْدَة الْأَنَا f


وَحْدَة اَلْوُجُود f

pantheismbelief that the universe is divine

وَحْدَة حَرَارِيَّة f

calorieamount of heat to raise 1 gram of water by 1 °C

وَحْدَة عَرَبِيَّة


وَحْدَة فَلَكِيَّة f

astronomical unitmeasure of distance

وَحْدَةٌ تَصْنِيفِيَّةٌ f

taxontaxonomic group

مُتَّجِهٌ وَحْدَةَ m

unit vectorvector with length 1