Arabic-English dictionary »

وَا meaning in English

بَهْلَوَان m

acrobatathlete who performs acts requiring skill, agility and coordination

بَيْنَ المِطْرَقَة وَالسِّنْدَان

between a rock and a hard placein a difficult and inescapable position

بُتْسْوَانَا f

Botswanaid=Q963|Republic of Botswana

بُحَيْرَة وَان f


بُرْجُوَازِيَّة f

bourgeoisthe middle class



bourgeoisconventional, conservative and materialistic

bourgeoisof or relating to capitalist exploitation

bourgeoisof or relating to the middle class


Burdwanformer name of Bardhaman, a city in West Bengal

بُوتْسْوَانَا f

Botswanaid=Q963|Republic of Botswana

بِالتَّوَازِي مَعَ

alongin a line with, with a progressive motion on; onward on; forward on

بِرّ اَلْوَالِدَيْن

filial pietyrespect to one's parents and ancestors

بِنْزُوَات الصُّودِيُوم m

sodium benzoatethe sodium salt of benzoic acid

بِهْلَوَانِيَّات f

acrobaticsart of performing acrobatic feats


by means ofBy using


throughby means of

viaby way of


byindicates creator of a work

byindicates the agent of a passive verb

بِوَان m

tentpolepole used to hold up a tent

تَاوَارِيش m

tovarishcomrade, especially with reference to the former USSR|comrade

تَايْوَان f

TaiwanEast Asian country

تَايْوَان m

Republic of Chinaid=Q865|country in East Asia

تَايْوَانِيَّة f

Taiwaneseperson from Taiwan


Taiwaneserelating to Taiwan

تَايْوَانِيّ m

Taiwaneseperson from Taiwan

تَبْيِيض أَمْوَال m

money launderingact of obscuring the origin of money that has been obtained illegally

تَجَارِبُ عَلَى الْحَيْوَان m-p

animal testinguse of non-human animals in scientific experimentation

تَرْكِيبْ مُتَوَاصِل m

continuous integrationpractice

تَعَدُّد اَلْأَزْوَاج m

bigamystate of having two spouses simultaneously

polyandryplurality of husbands at the same time

تَعَدُّدُ الأَزْوَاج m

polygamythe having of a plurality of socially bonded sexual partners at the same time

تَكَوُّن اَلْحَيَوَانَات اَلْمَنَوِّيَّة

spermatogenesisprocess of sperm production in the testes

تَلَوُّث الْهَوَاء m

air pollutioncontamination of the atmosphere by noxious gases and particulates

تَنَاسُخُ الأَرْوَاحِ

reincarnationrebirth of a mental capacity in a physical life form

تَوَابِل f-p

spiceplant matter used to season or flavour food

تَوَارَى عَنْ الْأَنْظَار

keep a low profileto be quiet


poisedbalanced, in position, equilibrium