Arabic-English dictionary »

هَا meaning in English

شَهَادَة f

certificatedocument containing a certified statement


martyrdomcondition of a martyr

shahadaIslamic declaration of belief

testimonystatement in court

witnessattestation of a fact or event

شَهَادَة بَرَاءَة

certificate of conductcertificate of conduct

شَهَادَة زُور f

perjurydeliberate giving of false or misleading testimony under oath

شَهَادَة مِيلَاد f

birth certificateofficial document certifying the details of a person's birth

شَهَامَة f

nobilitythe quality of being noble


meteorstreak of light

شِهَاب m

shooting starmeteor

شِهَادَة f

degreeacademic award

صَافِرَة نِهَائِيَّة f

final whistleblow of the whistle signifying the end of a match

ضِلْع هَايْلَاكَانْدِي

HailakandiHailakandi district

طَهَارَة f

chastityabstaining from sexual activity

virtuechastity and faithfulness

عَلَامَة اِسْتِفْهَام f

question markpunctuation mark

عَلَيْهَا السَّلَامُ

peace be upon herfemale equivalent of peace be upon him

فَالْهَالَا f

Valhallain Norse mythology, the home of warriors slain gloriously in battle

فِي النِّهَايَة

after allanyway, in any case

فِي نِهَايَةِ الْمَطَافِ

sooner or laterset phrase; eventually

فِي وَضَح اَلنَّهَار

in broad daylightin ample natural illumination

قَصْر بَكِنْغْهَام m

Buckingham Palacethe official London residence of the British monarch

قَنْدَهَار f

Kandaharcity and province in southern Afghanistan

كُوبِنْهَاج f

Copenhagencapital of Denmark

كُوبِنْهَاجِن f

Copenhagencapital of Denmark

كُوبِنْهَاغ f

Copenhagencapital of Denmark

كُوبِنْهَاغِن f

Copenhagencapital of Denmark

لَاهَاي f

The HagueDutch city



لَهَاة f

uvulaappendage that hangs from the palate

لَوْحَة إِشْهَارِيَّة f

billboardlarge advertisement along side of highway

لَيْلَ نَهَارَ

day and nightall the time

لُغَة سِنْهَالِيَّة f

Sinhalesethe language

لُو هَافْر m

Le Havrecity


LufthansaGerman national airline


Maranhãostate in north-eastern Brazil

مَاهَارَاجَا m

maharajaa Hindu prince ranking above a raja

مَاهَارَاشْتْرَا f

Maharashtrastate in western India