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نُون meaning in English

قَانُون أَسَاسِيّ m

constitutionformal or informal system of primary principles and laws regulating a government or other institutions

قَانُون إِجْرَائِيّ m

procedural lawarea of law

قَانُون الغَابَة

dog eat dogharsh and ruthless

قَانُون اَلْإِيمَان m

Nicene Creedofficial creed of the early Christian church stating tenets of the Christian faith

قَانُون جِنَائِيّ m

criminal codedocument which compiles a particular jurisdiction's criminal law

قَانُون دَوْلِيّ خَاصّ m

private international lawlaw

قَانُون دُوَلِيّ m

international lawset of rules applied to the relations between nations

قَانُون شَارْلْ m

Charles's lawphysical law stating the density of an ideal gas is inversely proportional to its temperature at constant pressure

قَانُون مَدَنِيّ m

civil codea systematic collection of laws between private parties

civil lawlegal system contrasting with common law

قَانُون مَوْضُوعِيّ m

substantive lawarea of law


validityhaving legal force


legalallowed or prescribed by law

legalhaving its basis in the law

legalrelating to the law or to lawyers


statutoryrelating to a statute

كَانُون الْأَوَّل m

Decembertwelfth month of the Gregorian calendar

كَانُون اَلثَّانِي m

Januaryfirst month of the Gregorian calendar

كَيْنُونَة f

beingthe state or fact of existence

existencestate of being, existing, or occurring





crazyinsane, demented

dementedinsane or mentally ill

insaneexhibiting unsoundness or disorder of mind

madinsane (adj.)

mentally illhaving psychological disorder

مَجْنُون m

madmanan insane man

نُومِينُون m

noumenonthing as it is independent of any conceptualization|thing-in-itself