Arabic-English dictionary »

مِين meaning in English

مِين m

MaineUS State

مِينَا m

nielloany of various black metal alloys

مِينَاء f

enamelcovering on the tooth

مِينَاء m

harborfor ships


مِينَاء النَّبِيذ m

port wineA type of fortified wine traditionally made in Portugal

مِينَاسْ جِيرَايْسْ

Minas Geraisstate in south-eastern Brazil


menorahseven-branch candelabrum

مِينُوسِيَّة f

MinoanOf or relating to the civilization that developed in Crete from the neolithic period to the Bronze Age

مِينُوسِيّ m

MinoanOf or relating to the civilization that developed in Crete from the neolithic period to the Bronze Age

مِينِيبَاص m

minibusa small bus

مِينِيرْفَا f

Minervagoddess of wisdom, especially strategic warfare, and the arts

مِينِيسُوتَا f

Minnesotaa state of the United States of America

مِينْسْك f

Minskcapital of Belarus


amentruly, verily


amenso be it

أَرْمِينِيَا f

Armeniaancient kingdom and country


Armenianof, from, or pertaining to Armenia, Armenians, the language or alphabet


faithfulreliable; worthy of trust

safenot in danger

أَمِين اَلْمَظَالِم m

ombudsmanofficial who investigates complaints

أَمِين مَكْتَبَة m

librarianthe manager of a library

أَمِينَة f


أَمِينَةْ مَكْتَبَة f

librarianthe manager of a library

أَمِينُ الصُّنْدُوقِ m

cashierperson in charge of the cash of a business or bank

أَوْمِين m

Macaua city just west of Hong Kong

إِعَادَةُ تَأْمِين f

reinsuranceinsurance purchased by insurance companies

إِلَى اَلْيَمِين

righttowards the right side

إِنْجَامِينَا f

N'Djamenacapital city of Chad

اَلْجُمْهُورِيَّة اَلْأَرْمِينِيَّة f

Republic of Armeniaid=Q399|official name of Armenia

بَدْمِينْتُون m

badmintona racquet sport

بَنْيَامِين m

Benjaminmale given name

Benjaminthe youngest son of Jacob

بِنْيَامِين m

Benjaminmale given name

Benjaminthe youngest son of Jacob

تَأْمِين m



تَأْمِين صِحِّيّ

health insuranceinsurance against incurring medical expenses among individuals

تَأْمِين عَلَى اَلْحَيَاة m

life insuranceform of insurance

تَخْمِين m

conjecturesupposition based upon incomplete evidence; a hypothesis