Arabic-English dictionary »

مِير meaning in English

مِير m

Miran international space station

مِيرَاث m

inheritancethat which a person is entitled to inherit

مِيرْكَات m

meerkatsmall carnivorous mammal

مِيرْكُورِي m

Mercuryid=Q1150|Roman god

مِيرْكِل m



أَدْمِيرَال m

admiralappointed commander of a navy

أَمِير m

Amirgiven name

princemale ruler or head of a principality

princeson or male-line grandson of a reigning monarch

أَمِير حَرْب

warlordhigh military officer in a warlike nation

أَمِير وِيلْز m

Prince of Walesroyal title

أَمِيرَة f

princessfemale member of royal family

أَمِيرُ البَحْر m

admiralappointed commander of a navy

أَمِيرِكَا f

Americasid=Q828|North and South America

United Statesthe United States|USA

أَمِيرِكَا الْجَنُوبِيَّة f

South Americaid=Q18|continent that is the southern part of the Americas

أُومِيرْتَا m

omertàcode of silence amongst members of the Mafia or other criminal organization

إِزْمِير f


الْخَمِير الْحُمْر m-p

Khmer RougeCambodian communist guerrilla force

الْكَامِيرُون f

Cameroonid=Q1009|country in Central Africa

الْكَمِيرُون f

Cameroonid=Q1009|country in Central Africa

الْمَزَامِير m-p

Psalmsbook of the Bible|psalter

تَايْمِير m

Taimyrlarge peninsula

تَدْمِير m

annihilationact of reducing to nothing

destructionact of destroying

تَعْمِير m

developmentprocess of developing

جَامُو وَكَشْمِير m

Jammu and Kashmirportion of the territory which is governed by India


redstartground-feeding bird

خَمِيرَة f

leavenany agent used to make dough rise

yeastcake or dried granules used to make bread dough rise

yeastfroth used in medicine, baking and brewing


خِمِيرِيَّة f



Khmerof or pertaining to the Khmer people or their language

دِيكَامِيرُون m

Decameroncollection of 100 short stories by Boccaccio



ضَمِير m

consciencemoral sense

pronountype of word

ضَمِير اِنْعِكَاسِيّ m

reflexive pronoun