Arabic-English dictionary »

مِتْر meaning in English

مِتْر m

metreunit of length

مِتْرالِيُوز m

machine guntype of firearm

مِتْرٌ مُرَبَّعٌ m

square metrestandard unit of area

مِتْرٌ مُكَعَّبٌ m

cubic metreunit of volume

مِتْرَاس m

barricadea barrier constructed across a road, especially as a military defence

rampartdefensive ridge of earth

مِتْرُو m

subwayunderground railway

subwayunderground railway

بَارُومِتْر m

barometeran instrument for measuring atmospheric pressure

تِرْمُومِتْر m

thermometerapparatus used to measure temperature

سِنْتِيمِتْر m

centimetreone-hundredth of a metre

طُنّ مِتْرِيّ

metric tonunit of mass equal to 1000 kilograms

مِلِّيمِتْر m

millimetreunit of measure

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