Arabic-English dictionary »

مَنْ meaning in English

شَمَنْدَر اَلسُّكَّر m

sugar beettype of beet

شَمَنْدُورَة f

buoymoored float

ضِلْع بَرَاهْمَنْبَارِيَا

Brahmanbaria DistrictBrahmanbaria District

عُنْف مَنْزَلِيّ m

domestic violenceviolence committed in a domestic setting

غَيْر مَنْسِيّ

unforgettablevery difficult or impossible to forget

فَاصِلَة مَنْقُوطَة f

semicolonpunctuation mark ';'

قَذْف الْمَنْي

cumslang: have an orgasm; ejaculate

قُمَنْدَان m

commanderone who exercises control and direction of a military or naval organization

commanding officerofficer in command of a military unit

لَفْظٌ مَنْحُوت m

portmanteau wordword which combines the meaning of two words

مُدَبَّرَة الْمَنْزَل f

housekeepersomeone who manages the home, traditionally female head of household


systematiccarried out using a planned, ordered procedure

systematicmethodical, regular and orderly

مِنْطَقَةُ مَنْزُوعَةُ السَلَاح

demilitarized zonearea

وَاجِب مَنْزِلِيّ m

homeworkwork that is done at home