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مَاء meaning in English

مَاء التُونِك m

tonic watercarbonated beverage

مَاء الحَنَفِيَّة m

tap waterwater from a tap

مَاء الزَّيْتُون m

amurcasediment in olive oil

مَاء الصُّودَا m

soda waterwater with carbon dioxide

مَاء النَارَجِيل m

coconut waterclear liquid found inside immature coconuts

مَاء الْجُبْن m

wheyliquid remaining after milk has been curdled

مَاء اَلصُّودَا m

carbonated waterwater containing carbon dioxide

مَاء شُرْب

drinking waterwater for humans

مَاء كُولُونِيَا m

cologneeau de Cologne

مَاء مَعْدِنِيّ m

mineral waterwater containing dissolved minerals

مَاء مَلَكِيّ m

aqua regiamixture of acids

مَاء مُقَدَّس m

holy waterwater, sanctified

مَاء وَرْد m

rosewatera liquid produced by steeping rose petals in water

مَاءٌ عَذْبٌ m

fresh waterwater with little salt


meowof a cat, to make its cry

أَبْرَاجُ السَّمَاء f-p

zodiacbelt-like region in the sky

zodiactwelve signs in astrology

أَسْمَاء m-p

nameword or phrase indicating a particular person, place, class or thing

إِغْمَاء m

faintthe act of fainting

الحَلّ مِنَ السَّمَاء

deus ex machinacontrived solution to a problem

تَصْرِيف الْأَسْمَاء m

declensionway of categorizing

تَلَوُّث اَلْمَاء m

water pollutioncontamination of water

ثَعْلَب الْمَاء m


جَار الْمَاء m

alderany tree or shrub of the genus ''Alnus''

جُدَرِيّ المَاء m

chicken poxdisease

جِهَاز اَلْغُدَد اَلصَّمَاء m

endocrine systemsystem of ductless glands

حَفِظَ مَاءَ الوَجْهِ

save facepreserve reputation

حَقِيبَة اَلـمَاء اَلـسَاخِن

hot water bottlea flexible bottle for heat therapy

حُورِيَّة الْمَاء f

mermaidmythological woman with a fish’s tail

خَزَّانُ مَاء m

water towertank of water

خُرْطُوم مَاءٍ m

hoseflexible tube

خِنْزِير الْمَاء m

capybara''Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris''

سَفَكَ الدِّمَاء

shed blood

سَفْك الدِّمَاء m

bloodshedcarnage, destruction of life, slaughter

bloodshedshedding or spilling of blood

سَمَاء f

heavenparadise and upper-world


welkinsky which appears to an observer on the Earth as a dome in which celestial bodies are visible|firmament|sky

سَمَك فِي مَاء p

pig in a pokesomething whose true value is concealed or unknown

سِيمَاء f

expressionfacial appearance