Arabic-English dictionary »

لُو meaning in English


activein grammar

knownthat whom other people know, renowned, famous

مَعْلُومَات f-p

informationcommunicable knowledge

intelligenceinformation about the enemy

مَعْلُومَات مُضَلِّلَة f-p

disinformationintentionally false information

مَعْلُومَاتِيّ m

informationalgiving, related to information

مَعْلُومَة f

factan honest observation

factsomething actual

informationcommunicable knowledge

messagecommunication, concept or information conveyed


defeatedsubjugated, beaten, overcome

مَغْلُوبِيَّة f

defeatthe act of being defeated, of losing

مَقْلُوبَة f

maqlubaLevantine dish of meat, rice and vegetables

مَلُول m

boredsuffering from boredom


blameworthydeserving blame or censure

مَلُومِيَّة f


مَلِك الْمُلُوك m

shahanshahtitle of the rulers of ancient Persia: “king of kings”|king of kings

مَلِكُ الْمُلُوكِ m

king of kingsking who has other kings as subjects|shahanshah


fraughtcarrying, or charged or loaded up with (usually something negative)

مَمْلُوك m

mamelukea member of a Middle Eastern military regime created and run by freed slaves


borngiven birth to

مَوْلُود حَدِيث m

newbornrecently born baby

مَوْلُودَة حَدِيثة f

newbornrecently born baby

مُقَاطَعَة كُولُومْبِيَا f

District of Columbiafederal capital of the United States of America

مُلُوخِيَّة f

jute mallow''Corchorus olitorius''


saltinessproperty of being, or tasting, salty


morphologicalrelating to morphology

مُورْفُولُوجِيَا f

morphologya scientific study of form and structure

morphologylinguistic study of the form and structure

مُوسِيقَى فُلْكْلُورِيَّة f

folk musicmusic originating from a specific region

مُونُولُوج m

monologuedrama: long speech by one person

مِطْرَقَة الْبُولُو f


مِيثُولُوجِيَا f

mythologycollection and study of myths

مِيلُودْرَامَا f

melodramaromantic drama

نَانُوتِيكْنُولُوجِي m

nanotechnologyscience and technology of creating nanoparticles

نَايْلُون m


نَيْلُوفَر m

lotusplant of the genus ''Nelumbo''

نُوكُو أَلُوفَا f

Nuku'alofacapital of Tonga

نِمْر اَلثُّلُوج m

snow leoparda large feline mammal, ''Panthera uncia''

هَالُوك m

broomrapeplant of the genus Orobanche


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