Arabic-English dictionary »

لَيْل meaning in English


nightperiod between sunset and sunrise

لَيْل m

nightfallthe close of the day; the coming of night

لَيْلَ نَهَارَ

day and nightall the time

لَيْلَة f

nightperiod between sunset and sunrise

لَيْلَك m





لَيْلَى f

Leilagiven name

لَيْلَى وَٱلذِّئْب f

Little Red Riding Hooda folktale

لَيْلُ m

nighttimehours of darkness


nocturnaltaking place at night

اللَيْل القُطْبِيّ m

polar nightperiod of darkness

النَادِي اللَيْلِيّ m

nightclubestablishment that is open late at night

بَيْنَ لَيْلةٍ وَضُحاهَا

overnightin a very short amount of time

رُؤْيَة لَيْلِيَّة f

night visionability to see in the dark

شَبّ اللَيْل m

marvel of Peru''Mirabilis jalapa''

غُرَاب اللَيْل أَسْوَد التَاج

black-crowned night heron''Nycticorax nycticorax''

لِقَاء جِنْسِيّ لِلَيْلَة وَاحِدَة

one-night standsexual encounter

نَادٍ لَيْلِيّ m

clubestablishment that provides staged entertainment

nightclubestablishment that is open late at night